The community of yogis that surround me are a huge beam of sunlight in my life. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being here, for your support and kindness not only to me but to the others in the HBY community too. I see it and I’m inspired by you all. Community and connection is such a huge part of yoga and I’m so grateful for every single one of you.
I feel like a different person than a few months ago before I started my daily practice using your app! I still have a long way to go and alot more I want to learn but so amazed at how much strength you have helped me build! Thank you so much 💚
Hi Hannah, I have just done my first class with you. Such a wonderful class. Having done yoga for 27 years nearly I find hard to enjoy a class without finding fault. Yours was just perfect.
I have NEVER been motivated enough to practice Yoga at home, and this year my practice has suffered big time due to lockdowns and my Yoga studio closing .
I never seem to be able to commit to a daily consistent practice, however 10 minutes a day seemed achievable , hence why I signed up.
Your challenge has given me so much more than 10 minutes a day as I find myself staying on the mat long after the video has ended. It seemed that my problem wasn't in practising daily.... It was getting on the mat in the first place! Knowing I only need to be there for ten minutes if necessary, motivates me to commit EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I actually feel like you have given me back my yoga and honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
I'm so, so glad I "found" Hannah Barrett and that she created this app for us 🙏❤️
I have just finished your 28 day yoga challenge and I absolutely loved it! I found that my strength and stability have improved massively. It was a big mental and physical challenge for me and I loved every minute of it. I can’t wait for the next challenge!
I love it! I’m on day 4 of the yoga for life challenge and love it! It’s easy to follow, easy to adapt to your capability as well. I followed another app for a while and felt like a constant failure - but on here Hannah gives guidance to follow to your own comfort which helps you feel like you’re capable (if that makes sense!) enjoy!!
Since working with Hannah back in December 2016 not only has my passion for yoga increased, my confidence in my self practice has also. Hannah believes yoga can make you strong and thanks to her knowledge my core has strengthened and my low back pain I suffered for 2 years has gone! Her guidance with both pranayama & asana practice has improved my wellness, sense of self & mind body connection. She's an awesome yogi and an incredible teacher.
Hannah is amazing! She is so knowledgeable about anatomy and how things should work and what to work on for different goals. Really listens to her students needs and responds. A great teacher.
I finished the challenge today and absolutely loved it! Because of this challenge, I’ve been able to find time to practice every day and have even begun a meditation practice every night. The variety of classes and instructors was great and the length of each class was perfect. It really was a reset for my practice and has helped me end the year strong and full of positivity! Thank you so much for creating this challenge and sharing your practice with me!
“This last month has been stressful as I'm moving countries in January to start an amazing job and so planning everything has taken a toll whilst COVID restrictions are constantly changing.
This course gave me a short time to wind down that I truly needed. I love your app and the content you put out so a massive thank you to you and everything you do ❤️.
I cannot believe I have completed the 42 day reset course, thank you sooooooo much! In many ways I can’t truly call it a ‘reset’ as my yoga practice was none existent but long desired! This course has shown me that I can squirrel away some time and not only that but that I WANT to!! So here’s to doing some yoga EVERY DAY 🤞🏻You’ve given me so much hope and deeper understanding (a long way to go though!!).
I want to say a big thank you and a happy new year! What I appreciated most, and this was surprising to me, was the meditation sessions! I guess I would never have made them if they were not scheduled.... But now I understand how much I need it! 🙏🏻
Thanks for putting this amazing challenge together for us. I’m so proud of having just finished the 42 day course and what I loved most about it was dedicating time to myself every single day, no matter how busy I was, no matter how my mood was that particular day, the way I felt right after those 10 or 20 min was absolutely good to me, my physical and mental health. I even had my boyfriend joining me for some meditation classes and he really enjoyed them.
Amazing experience!! I can’t thank you enough, this challenge came when I needed it most, it gave me a routine, it pushed me to look inwards and to take time for myself, give myself the time I need to end the year in a positive way, to get a good start for my new year!
The mix between strength practices, stretching and meditation was beautiful! A mix of mind, body and soul.
Thank you for the yoga reset challenge. It has been the most wonderful thing to do these past few weeks and I’ve loved making the time to practice every day. It’s been a stressful year for everyone and I tend to carry my stress in between my shoulders so I really loved the Shoulder Release session on day 6!!! As well as Mariel’s guest session on spinal mobility! I hope you have a good start to the new year and thank you again for the challenge - I really loved it!
I just finished the challenge! I loved it! I love your app and your classes. I enjoyed the featured teachers too! I was amazed at how much I felt the shoulder openers class by Lizette Pompa! I always love hip openers! My jaw and hips are certainly connected! Loved that tidbit! Thank you! I’m feeling more connected to my practice than I have in quite some time.
I had such a fun time doing this challenge and am so proud of myself for finishing it before the end of the year (it’s still 2020 here in the eastern US ☺️). I think my favorite part was learning from you about how to better use my glutes in my yoga practice. This is something I’ve been working on in physical therapy all year to relieve back pain, and the way you teach has helped me SO MUCH!
How wonderful has been sharing practice with you along the past weeks!
I’ve learned a lot, this has changed my practice and has taught me how you engage the core, so my back pain is gone (I’ve been struggling with neck and shoulder pain since forever.
You are an amazing teacher, your flows are just magical. Such an inspiration to me. Thank you very much!
Finished the yoga reset challenge! Really liked how they were short, so that I could fit in practice everyday, also loved that they varied - strength, flexibility, breathwork, meditation. Great challenge! 😊
Well, what can I say! First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you! I will try to put into words how much this has impacted on my life.
I have NEVER consistently stuck to anything for even 10 days let alone 42! Especially any forms of exercise. You've turned my whole mental make up around from looking at exercise/yoga as something I should do to something I absolutely want to do!
This is exactly what I've been searching for and it's only because of Covid that accessibility to teachers like you has opened up. Although it's been a terrible year, there have been so many silver linings that have resulted from it. This being a big one in my life. I was still doing Barbara Curry leotard clad DVDs before this, with no real idea of how to progress or vary my practice (nothing wrong with Barbara of course, I just felt very stuck). I knew I liked yoga but I also knew it could be so much more! I think being guided makes yoga a completely different experience.
I absolutely have loved the breathing techniques and the encouragement to try 'riskier' poses whilst still feeling like I was safe and never pushed into anything. I find I am being more present and I'm not a much as a worrier as I was. It made me realise that most of my worries were about future what if scenarios.
Also, just taking a little time in every day to refocus yourself on your mind and body can entirely change your mood and outlook.
I feel so lucky to have been able to do this and also appreciate your constant encouragement through IG, I know you're a busy lady!
Wow, I've written an essay, sorry!! Anyway, thank you again so much for providing this and guiding us through, it has become a staple of my daily life now which is what I always wanted it to be. Here's to the new challenge!
The duration of each session is perfect for dipping in to when you don’t have much time, or stringing together a bunch of sessions to make one nice long session when you have more time (which I did especially at the end!). Love the mixture and variety of restorative, meditation, focusing on specific areas, fabulous and clear explanations and also a lot of moves I have not tried before. Great that you also provided the ability to do sessions from the mat and also from bed! I especially love the knowledge of the anatomy that you share with us as you explain the postures; so important and really helps us to focus on what we are doing and the present moment. Too many teachers these days just want to go through the postures with no explanation as to why we are doing what we are doing.
I’m so thankful for this challenge I’ve loved every moment.
It’s taught me so much about improving my yoga practice & about appreciating meditation. In these stressful times it has helped me feel more grounded.
I’ve raved about Day 7 A Moment of Gratitude to anybody who will listen to me. It’s so very much needed on some of these harder challenging days we face in this world right now.
sometimes I felt so moved by the poems you were reading or by the caring way you were talking in the videos that I was just weeping at times. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart 🧡
I ended up buying an iPad just for your app… just wanted to let you know it was absolutely worth it. I am loving it, just looking forward to getting enough moments to practice.
I’m only a “yogi” thanks to you being the teacher. Your yoga flows are the only ones I do. I just love them and they have done wonder for my mind and body.
I love the mix of power and strength classes, and the calming flows to help lower stress and anxiety.
What can I say. Everyday is a yoga day 🙏🏻 I love making time everyday to follow the Yoga Reset and the Yoga for Life challenge that I’m doing too. The classes are varied, fun, challenging, informative and balanced. I started my yoga journey 10 years ago when I lost my husband. My yoga time gave me calm and strength to carry on without him. I lost track a little with my yoga time over the years but found that time particularly during this last year where life again has been somewhat challenging. I work in hospitality which is hectic during the summer months and I never have time to practice but Hannah you have shown me I can through this Yoga reset challenge. Thank you 🙏🏻 Onwards and upwards always x
Anne Marie
I love your teaching style, the flows you create and the incredible benefits I've been experiencing since starting your challenge.
I absolutely love the app - your classes have helped me so much ❤
Hannah Barrett is the Neapolatin ice cream of Wellness -- everything good about yoga, meditation & breathing, and you always want more! Hannah is an amazing talent who is able to personally connect with you during personal training combined with the ability to captivate a large room of corporate executives. Her warmth, passion, energy and charming persona and glow as a teacher lights up the room every time she shares her expertise and talents as a holistic wellness instructor. We have been fortunate to have had Hannah lead corporate groups both in-person and virtually through Zoom sessions, and her ability to engage all her students in both settings is quite amazing. Additionally, Hannah's ability to connect with experienced yogis as well as first-timers makes her extremely appealing to lead group sessions and is a big reason we continue to ask her to lead new wellness classes for our company. With all the goodness that Hannah has shared with us, her trademark poems and quotes she shares to open and close her sessions is the 'cherry on-top' for me.”
Brian Yamamura
Hannah is the most fantastic instructor, I found her really supportive and focused on helping me to get the most out of my yoga sessions and tailoring the session to best suit me. I highly recommend her!
What I loved the most about this challenge…. well, as for everyone else, this has been a very tough year, and as I never stopped working, the last few months were hard, and this challenge simply got me back to the present. No matter what, for these past 40 days I knew that there were 10 or so minutes everyday waiting there for me, to help me ground and find myself again. So thank you thank you thank you!! For this amazing community, for your teachings and for the great opportunity to practice all together and positively(ish) end 2020.
I have absolutely loved how well the different practices have been woven together. I enjoyed targeting different parts of the body and all your advice has been fantastic. I have tried meditation before and I have definitely found it useful. This year has been tough and the last few months particularly difficult so having a short part of the day set aside for this is what my mind needed. I cannot wait for the new challenge starting Thursday. The Facebook group has also been amazing and welcoming.
Hannah, my deepest thank you for creating this challenge. An intention I set for myself at the beginning of 2020 was to connect and be with myself. To take a few moments each day for myself, with all the worries and lists of to do’s out of mind. Somewhere along the journey through the year that intention was once again pushed to the side by none other than me, leaving me feeling frustrated at my own self for being so careless with my needs. The sense of purpose, accomplishment and being present with myself was exactly what I needed and experienced each session I completed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I enjoyed all the Reset Challenge classes especially the last one. I love heart openers (something I need for posture) and I love lying on my back with the block just below the scapulae. My spine is pretty rigid and when I first get into position my glutes don’t touch the floor—even with knees bent. It is a wonderful sensation to feel the spine relax and the butt touch the floor as the heart continues to open. So glad I discovered your classes 🙏💕.
Thank you so much for the Yoga Reset Challenge. Had so much fun practicing with you. I would say one of my favorite ones was the power yoga flow. I was always a bit daunted by the word power, thought I need to be extra strong & fit, I felt so good after it and already repeated it. So excited for the new challenge!
Thanks Hannah for putting this amazing challenge together for us. I’m so proud of having just finished it and what I loved most about it was dedicating time to myself every single day, no matter how busy I was, no matter how my mood was that particular day, the way I felt right after those 10 or 20 min was absolutely good for me, for my physical and mental health.
I just completed the yoga reset challenge and loved every single flow! There are so many flows that I know I will come back to time and time again like the soothing flow for headaches or the one for back pain. What I loved most about this challenge was the focus on being in the present moment (which is something I really struggle with!). I finished every class feeling so much more grounded and focused.
Thank you so much for this challenge! My favorite part was the bite size bit of daily yoga which made it so much easier for me to accommodate in my schedule. Also, I loved having meditation sprinkled in bc I don’t make enough time for it - it made me accountable to myself. I also love your FB community! So grateful to have found you and that you’re a daily part of my life ♥️
I ready enjoyed making yoga a daily habit and taking the time to show down. I always reach for strong and power flows and I realised I need the meditation and restoration practices just as much. I'm going to make an effort to incorporate these more in my practice, especially as they are short so it's definitely doable! Thank you Hannah, I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to more on your app!
The diversity of this challenge made it absolutely wonderful. Each class brought something completely new; whether it was flowing through poses, being still for meditation (which I still struggle with sometimes), or moving mindfully and not just rushing through transitions; it was new and different each time, with different teachers bringing their own flair into it as well. All of that, together with your voice resounding in my head to seek connection, made me always look forward to what each day’s class would bring, and I found so much peace every time I stepped onto my yoga mat.
Another thing I absolutely appreciated from the challenge was that it didn’t have to be done in the mornings. My routines for yoga always happen in the evenings after work because I appreciate the downtime much more after the bustle of the workday.
Thank you so so much Hannah for this amazing challenge. I’m filled with so much gratitude for your work, and also for my body and mind to be able to enjoy all of it.
Here are some of the things I’ve really loved about the challenge:
1) the variety of the classes - I’ve found the challenge to be the perfect mix of strength, balance, meditation, grounding and flow sessions. I feel better in both my body and in my mind from doing this challenge.
2) the way you explain things - I really love the detailed, clear way you articulate the way you should hold or be feeling parts of the body in poses.
3) how genuine you are. This may seem like a strange comment to make, but it’s really important to me. I have very negative feelings about the “wellness industry” due to how fake and patronising some influencers on social media can seem. I don’t feel like that about you. The energy that comes through in your classes is genuinely positive, open, encouraging without being patronising, and non-preachy.
4) the way this challenge has encouraged me to prioritise making time for myself each day. The 10 minute (or more - I actually really love it when they are longer :)) sessions enabled me to carve out a short space of time each day to reconnect with myself and find balance.
I finished the Yoga Reset Challenge yesterday. These 42 days were so wonderful. Right about the time you announced this challenge, I realized that I wanted to implement a morning routine that would serve me well every morning. Inspired by your Yoga is Life Happy Habit I decided to start a new morning routine with doing the Yoga Reset Video first thing in the morning followed by writing down 3 things I am grateful for in my journal. These changes had made a huge difference in my day, no matter how hard or stressful the day would be, I knew that I would start my day with yoga and that I would leave the mat feeling calm and with a smile on my face! If I had to pick one favorite flow I would choose the ‘perfect morning flow’ since it helps relieve some of the pain I have in my shoulders and neck. My favorite new breathing technique is the golden thread breath, it is very calming and helped me feel grounded when I once thought that the stress of this year would be too much to handle. I am going to repeat this challenge over and over again, as I want to continue with my new found morning routine.
I am excited to say I have completed the reset challenge!
The thing that has been special about this for me, is that I have loved the idea of yoga for more than a decade... I have taken a couple of classes here and there, done a few videos etc, but it never clicked and I could never find the consistency I needed.
I’m a working mum of three with no support network, so time is a huge thing for me, this challenge has shown me that I CAN show up to my mat daily- and that even 10mins IS worth while and can change so much about my mood, my energy, my presence and therefore my parenting and the way I show up to everything else in my day.
Yoga is finally a part of my life and I can feel it becoming a part of my identity. That is so special to me and mean it sincerely when I say thank you 🙏🏻 xx
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